
Howdy from Texas

Hello to all-this is just a quick post to let you know that we made the 1000+ mile trip from Indiana to Texas! We stayed in Tulsa along the way and had a great trip. Thank God for dvd players and colored goldfish crackers! We will be celebrating Independence Day here in the dry Texas heat, and then we will go to visit my dad and my brother and his family.

The kids spent the day at the water park with Poppy and DH. I think they are going to an amusement park tomorrow, and we are planning to make some July 4th shaped cookies for a cookout on Friday.

I will try and find the cable and post some pictures. Have a happy and safe holiday!

5 fabulous friends:

mindy said...

Hey Andrea!

It was me! =) I haven’t been very good at leaving comments on blogs lately as it’s been so crazy here, but I had your link saved on my computer and thought I’d check in and see how ya’ll were. =)

I must say, I was trying to live vicariously through your last blog about going to Target and Wal-Mart. Oh how I miss those places!!

I hope that you’re enjoying your time in the states and with your friends and family. Have a Happy 4th of July!

Bilary said...

I hope you have a dang fun holiday! And cookies...MMMMMMM! Yummy! You are making me hungry! I hope you do find your cable soon and that you can post some pictures! We'd love to see your darling family on vacation!

Rhea said...

Glad you made it safely to Texas! That's a huge drive with so many kids. You didn't leave your sanity behind in Oklahoma or anything, did you?! Happy 4th of July!

LiteralDan said...

Glad you made it okay, and I hope you had a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're making the most of your trip!

p.s. the 100 calorie abc cookies work great for child entertainment, too. Like edible scrabble!