

Yes, it has only been 13 months since I originally registered for this site, but if you consider the events that have occurred over the past year-it's amazing that I even remembered the site. I'm not sure why I had time to set up a blog while raising a one-month-old and four other kids last year while my husband was serving a remote assignment in Crete, but I did. Maybe I was just wondering if anyone had a hectic life to compare with mine?

I really am excited about this as I see this as a way to record the daily events of our family (hey, it might be fun to laugh at in later years, right?), and to keep our family and friends updated. I have been so behind in updating them with pictures and events. There are quite a few kinks to work out. I don't know why the pictures are so HUGE! I will resolve that soon and post some more. I'm still not sure about the layout and links, etc. I have to admit that I have been a blog junkie lately. Initially I was just looking at blogs to get ideas about layout, wording, etc. But it is so fascinating to see the journals of others! I love reading and identifying with them. If you happen to see this blog from one of the comments I have posted-thanks for sharing your events. I hope you enjoy my words as much as I have enjoyed yours. Another kink: my site randomly shows up in German. Great chance for me to try and learn some German you say? But it's really frustrating to type the same things over and over...and over (*sigh*).

Recent events ( a big one at that): My BABY TURNED ONE! I just can't believe that little Logan has reached his first birthday. Honestly, there were some days that I wasn't sure that we (or he) would make it. He has really settled down since he STARTED WALKING! He had been taking a few steps here and there a few weeks before his birthday. Just a few days before the 9th, he just started cruising on his own. It's just so funny to see him coming around a corner toddling around. Then again, it's not so funny since he is much faster and can grab my leg as I try to get something done quickly.

I will try and post some more in the next days. I saw on the weather report that rain is expected all week. It has been cold and icy here. In fact, I know two people who had accidents this past week. I foresee a week of playing indoors with the boys and getting those errands done later in the week. I am trying to get to bed earlier. I think that I just try and extend that "me" time in the evenings. However, the 6:15 a.m. mornings are rough. I am a night person by nature. It's even harder to get going in the mornings when the sun doesn't make an appearance until after 8:00! Here's to a new year with more sleep.

2 fabulous friends:

Betsy said...

Hey you!!! Love the title of your blog, very clever. I'm putting you in my favorites so I can keep up with you. I can't believe you are keeping up with all 5 and remote hubby. You are Super Woman! Thanks for sharing.

Andrea said...

Hey! I am keeping up with you, too! :) DH was actually on remote last year, so I had the fun job of raising 4 and growing another. I am a stronger woman for it, I now know. Miss ya!