
Nanstein Castle - Flowers

Nanstein Castle - Flowers
Originally uploaded by MissTessmacher
This castle is so close to us! Why haven't we visited it?!?

5 fabulous friends:

Rhea said...

Go visit the castle and take lots of pictures! Shame on you! (well, you do have five kids...so I'll cut you some slack. )

Rhea said...

Go visit the castle and take lots of pictures! Shame on you! (well, you do have five kids...so I'll cut you some slack. )

Rhea said...

oops, sorry for the double post.

Bilary said...

That is cool. My kids would love to have a castle close to our house. Maybe we really should move overseas. Life in our neck of the woods seems so blah! :)

You should post more pictures of the castle. My kids would love to see a "real live castle."

Betsy said...

I've been to Nanstein and I have the most gorgeous pictures of it! That was ages ago, pre-digital camera. SIL used to live within walking distance of it, or so it seemed. great stuff, hope to post on my blog soon.
Take care!