These were taken on Valentine's Day in their cute themed shirts, but they are just now making it to the blog. It seems when I make an attempt to use the computer on the 3rd floor (where the loading thing is for the digital disk) either a) somebody has SIMS 2 going and I can't use it, or b) there is such a huge amount of stuff all over the room that I either get distracted and have them clean up or walk out-ugh.
We are all fighting runny noses, chest /coughing stuff here. Spring please come!
I need some ideas for spring break. I thought about contacting my friend in the Netherlands and seeing the tulips (my fav flower!) for a few days. If not, then maybe we can see some local sights or visit Trier again. H&M, here I come :)! Several of my friends from junior high and high school are spending part of the week in a Mexican resort. If only I could jet away. *sigh*
1 fabulous friends:
Here's a kind of fun idea for your Spring Break...definitely not as fun as Mexico, but your kids might get a kick out of it.
Just "Google" obscure holidays, and there are tons of fun holidays. You could celebrate some of them with your kids. My kids love it when we do some of them.
But then again...a trip without kids would be aaahhh, sigh, heaven! Someday...
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